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Happy Earth Day!

A day we should celebrate every day! We are proud to have designed numerous earth-loving structures over our 4 decades in the Rocky Mountains.

Several projects have followed the USGBC’s LEED program and earned full LEED credits, including the award-winning Elk Peak Ranch and Aspen Police Department.

Others have quietly weaved sustainable design methodologies and features within them, just by nature of client desires and given site opportunities.

Elk Peak Ranch | LEED Silver

In every project we discuss where the opportunities are to balance budget, sustainability and exceptional design. By designing structures with the environmentally friendly building materials accessible in today’s market, green building is not only essential to our environment but is easily attainable. The result is an optimal balance of cost, environmental and societal benefits, while meeting the mission and function of the intended facility. Building design through environmental response, functionalism, cost effectiveness and a commitment to LEED have remained critical issues in developing sustainable buildings.

Aspen Police Department | LEED Gold

Aspen Center for Environmental Studies Treehouse

To read more about our commitment to sustainability, click here.

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